The guide to install FM patch, Enter Pi-Star ssh mode http://pi-star:2222/ User: pi-star Pass: raspberry 1, Flash FM firmware, Copy the follow commands to ssh dialog: rpi-rw; curl -OL; chmod +x; ./; 2, Update Pi-Star to the new version, ensure you have flash 4.1.0 , recommend 4.1.2 + http://pi-star/admin/update.php or run the update command in ssh mode sudo pistar-update && sudo pistar-upgrade 3, Restore Configuration with FM config, first download to your computer, Restore: http://pi-star/admin/config_backup.php 4, Manage expert mode, after you add the [FM] configuartion http://pi-star/admin/expert/edit_mmdvmhost.php 5, Programming your FM radio channel , T CTCSSFrequency=88.5 R CTCSSFrequency=88.5 Completed! You can also add FM config to your pi-star file /etc/mmdvmhost , then jump to Setp 4th [FM] Enable=1 Callsign=BI7JTA CallsignSpeed=20 CallsignFrequency=1000 CallsignTime=10 CallsignHoldoff=0 CallsignHighLevel=50 CallsignLowLevel=20 CallsignAtStart=1 CallsignAtEnd=1 CallsignAtLatch=0 RFAck=K ExtAck=N AckSpeed=20 AckFrequency=1750 AckMinTime=4 AckDelay=1000 AckLevel=50 TimeoutLevel=80 CTCSSFrequency=88.5 CTCSSThreshold=30 CTCSSLevel=20 KerchunkTime=0 HangTime=7 UseCOS=1 COSInvert=0 RFAudioBoost=1 MaxDevLevel=90 ExtAudioBoost=1 [Transparent Data] Enable=0 RemoteAddress= RemotePort=40094 LocalPort=40095